Making an R&D Tax Relief Claim
Making an R&D claim could lead to a welcome cash-flow boost for your business.
An R&D claim could be a way for your company to obtain substantial cashflow benefits. By making a claim you could reduce your Corporation Tax liabilities, generate refunds for prior year payments, or for loss-making companies, create a tax credit from HMRC.
Typically, every £100,000 of identified costs can lead to a tax benefit of almost £25,000. As claims can be made retrospectively for the previous two years there are potentially considerable amounts of cash to be unlocked by innovative companies.
Eligible companies are those making ‘appreciable’ improvements to science or technology, which can include product development, process improvement, and advances in software development. It is not a relief which is only available to those business in the science and technology sectors.
If you’re unfamiliar with the application process, our other recent R&D claims blog outlines the criteria and conditions for existing and future claims.
Completing an R&D claim sooner rather than later could be very beneficial, as HMRC is currently expediting payments meaning your business could benefit from much-needed cash right when you need it.
Making an R&D Claim: More Information
Claiming R&D tax relief could be simpler than you think. If you wish to have a no-obligation chat with me to see if this is a relief which could help your business, please contact me via email at